How to Improve the Curb Appeal of Your House Economically

Curb Appeal of Your House

Do you want to improve the exterior looks of your house? Here in this article, we shall discuss the ways to improve the curb appeal of your house economically.

Table of Contents

  1. What is curb appeal?
  2. How do you increase curb appeal on a budget?
  3. Does improving curb appeal increase home value?
  4. How important is curb appeal when selling your home?
  5. Conclusion 

What Is Curb Appeal?

curb appeal

The first thing a visitor or buyer looks at in a house is the view from the street. That is why the curb appeal of a house matters a lot. According to the famous notion, ‘face is the index of mind’, the same happens with the exterior of the house. If the exterior of the house is planned and build well, it will increase the curb appeal.

Moreover, it will increase the value of the property. Curb appeal increases return on investment (ROI) when you put your house for sale. Likewise, not only the house but also all the lands, lots and plots for sale improve the value when they locate in a reasonable place. 

How Do You Increase Curb Appeal on a Budget?

curb appeal in a budget

To increase the curb appeal in your budget, you need to be specific about the improvements. For that reason, first of all, you should apply a fresh layer of paint. Further, paint the main gate and upgrade the handle. You also need to install a door mailbox to look at the exterior different than the others.

To add on replace the lights and add some coloured lights for a decent look while watching from outside. Adding a new number engraved on a wooden stab instead of printing on the wall makes it more attractive. Add a rug on the front door with different themes and colours to welcome the guests add more beauty. 

Does Improving Curb Appeal Increase Home Value?

According to a study done by Michigan State University, the houses for sale with elegant curb appeal increases 8-10% value of your house as compared to others. The point is when a person comes to you, he looks at the property from outside.

Further, when a buyer comes to you, he estimates the interior by evaluating the exterior. If the exterior is well-managed, definitely the interior will also be classy. Therefore, the curb appeal not only increases the value of the property but also provide you mental relaxation while living in that property.

How Important Is Curb Appeal When Selling Your Home?

selling your home

The curb appeal of the house leaves a positive impression on the buyer. As we have discussed above, the outer looks of the house matter a lot. That is why the looks from the street are more than important for a house to improve its value.

Once you plan to build the house, make sure your house looks great outside. For that reason, you need to select the plot for sale so carefully when you attempt to buy it. 


To conclude we can say that curb appeal is as much important for the house as clothes are important for a person. Clothes add beauty to a person’s personality. Further, if the location of the house and the real estate that you own is beautiful, it provides fair value and impression while you live in there or plan to sell it altogether.

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