How to evaluate the worth of a house for sale

value of a house

Every house for sale in the market has three types of values: what the seller believes it is worth. What the buyer believes it is worth, and what a professional appraiser believes it is worth. Getting all of these figures to line up is the key to a successful sale/buy. Because property values are subjective and always changing, knowing how they are determined and what variables influence them can help you make a wise real estate investment.

Before going for an offer, buyers should always conduct research, do home work and determine the market worth of a property. You run the danger of overpaying if you don’t.

What is market value?

Market value is the price at which a fully informed and willing buyer would pay for a residence. It’s a figure based on what other purchasers have recently paid for similar properties in the area, known as comparable homes.

What are comps in real estate?

Comps (short for comparables) are used by agents and appraisers to determine the value of a home by comparing similar, recently sold residences. Comps are used for a variety of objectives, including determining a home’s listing price, assisting buyers in choosing a fair offer price, and assisting existing homeowners in estimating their property’s present value and potential equity.

Timeline: In a typical market, comps consider homes sold in the past three to six months.

Features: Comparable houses should have similar features, finishes, and upgrades.

Age: The houses that are being compared should be of similar age. Newer homes offer more up-to-date designs, layouts, systems, and appliances, all of which can add value.

How comps determine home value

Valuation of features: Based on the attributes of a specific home, the agent or appraiser will add or deduct value, and various agents may assign somewhat varying values to home aspects.

What’s valuable to one buyer isn’t valuable to another

The value of a few home characteristics is solely determined by the choices and priorities of individual buyers. For Example, It makes no sense to pay extra for a swimming pool that is included in the price of a home if you want to fill it in and re-landscape. Buyer want new carpeting throughout your home, it can be worth paying a bit more for a home with brand new, high-end, wall-to-wall carpet. It’s not, though, if you’re intending to rip it out to put in hardwoods. If throwing something in the microwave is your idea of home cooking, you definitely don’t want to spend a lot of money on a gourmet kitchen when a decent, modestly sized one will suffice.

Key factors that influence the home value

Home value depends upon different factors but it’s important to consider a home’s comparable value as well to have a general idea about the price range. For instance, if a similar, nearby home sold recently, but it’s in a slightly better location, it’s probably worth more. How much more? That’s up to the buyer to determine.


The owner can alter many aspects of a house for sale, including finishes and even the size of the house. However, you are unable to alter the location of the residence. That is why a home’s location is so important. A home’s land will only appreciate if the region around it improves, aside from regular market gain. walkable area, for example, is very or extremely significant to 60% of buyers.

Here are key location factors that can increase a home’s value:

  1. Close proximity to the city center
  2. Quiet region
  3. Away from railroad tracks, airports, motorway noise, and electricity lines
  4. Proximity to public transportation
  5. Near parks or open spaces
  6. Sidewalks and walkability
Property taxes

Buyers consider their monthly budget, which includes housing payments and taxes, so homes with extremely high property taxes may be out of reach for some. Property taxes, on the other hand, contribute to fund local communities that benefit the local community. As a buyer, you’ll want to seek for both discounts and conveniences.

Interest rates

When long-term interest rates are low, buyer demand is higher, as low-interest rates provide purchasers more purchasing power. Buyers may have a tougher time paying off other debt when interest rates are high, which can affect their ability to buy a property. When demand is low, so are house prices.

Home maintenance

Home maintenance also adds value to the house for sale. Refresh the home paint, clean inside out in detail. The first 2,3 seconds of sight give a boost to the buyer, making those few seconds worthy.

The consequences of valuing a home incorrectly

For buyers, the biggest risk in valuing a home incorrectly is overpaying more than their budget. Other consequences include losing financing after an appraisal or not getting your offer accepted at all.

Missing the opportunity

There’s also a risk in undervaluing a current house for sale because you can miss out on a good deal. If you make a mistake, the seller may reject your modest offer, forcing you to look for another home.

If you buy a home with a view or near a historic city center, chances are it will add value, but land value is never guaranteed.

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