List of Responsibilities of a Tenant

Responsibilities of a Tenant

This contract should clearly define and articulate important service and payment responsibilities of a tenant and landlord. Keep reading.

Table of Contents

  1. Responsibility for water damage
  2. Responsibility to replace light bulbs
  3. Responsibility to maintain sanitary conditions & control pests
  4. Responsibility to clean gutters
  5. Responsibility to dispose-off garbage
  6. Responsibility for plumbing and clogged drains
  7. Responsibility to pay property taxes

To make a house for rent feel like home, one must establish trust with a landlord. Disputes are bound to arise, and you must fully understand the agreement for rent and be aware of your obligations and rights. The best defence against future disagreements is a well-negotiated rental contract that addresses the concerns of both sides.

This contract should clearly define and articulate important service and payment responsibilities. These are the most common problems and controversial issues in dispute between landlords and renters.

Responsibility for water damage 

water damage

Water damage is a significant concern for renters and homeowners. This is frequent damage associated with improper operation of plumbing pipes. It could also be due to a roof leak. The legal framework is evident because the landlord must provide residents with a habitable and safe environment. However, the tenant’s responsibility is to prevent further water damage by immediately reporting the problem to the landlord.

Responsibility to replace light bulbs

light bulbs

There is no proven legal practice in this regard. Responsibility for light bulbs must be stated in the contract. Typically, renters are responsible for replacing light bulbs in a home while they live in it.

Responsibility to maintain sanitary conditions & control pests


Typically, the owner is responsible for preventing future infestations or controlling pests. This includes sealing all gaps and cracks in the outer walls, closing utility openings, ceiling vents, etc. If the house for rent is not adequately protected from infestation, the responsibility lies with the landlord. However, if the renter’s bad habits lead to it, he will be held responsible. But landlords must prove the evidence of these unsanitary conditions as caused by the renters.

Responsibility to clean gutters

This responsibility extends to landlords and tenants of private homes. When you live in a house for rent, your maintenance responsibilities increase. If your rental contract contains clauses whereby the tenant is responsible for external maintenance, cleaning the gutters, it may become your responsibility then.

However, the controversy goes both ways, and the homeowner is usually responsible for the exterior of that home. For that reason, as the gutters are part of the exterior drainage, it is assumed that the owner will take care of them. It is not uncommon for landlords to shift the responsibility for cleaning the gutter to the tenant. To avoid misunderstandings in the future, the rental contract must specify the responsibility for cleaning the gutter.

Responsibility to dispose-off garbage

dispose of garbage

Timely waste disposal is critical to healthy living conditions. Most cities provide waste disposal or garbage collection services for a reasonable fee. Usually, the tenants take this task, or the landlord can perform it as part of the rent. If your area does not have regular garbage collection services, you should negotiate with the landlord.

Responsibility for Plumbing & Clogged Drains

clogged drains

The owner is responsible for providing habitable and safe conditions to its tenants, including the correct operation of the water supply and sewerage system. The owner must ensure that the plumbing does not damage the building or its structure and works appropriately. If the clogging of the sewer is caused by faulty plumbing parts or defective construction, the owner is responsible for the repair. In cases where the drains are clogged by negligence, the renter is responsible for restoring the plumbing.

Responsibility to pay property taxes

property tax

The state and local authorities set real estate taxes for the person who owns the property. Usually, owners pay the taxes on their property.

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